Sunday, June 20, 2010

More of Roof Garden

These are the pictures I said I would post that I took with my mom's camera at Roof GardenThese are the doors you come out of to get on the balcony..why I didn't take a picture of the whole door, I don't know
The balcony where ppl can go get a drink or just overlooks The Strand

Open bar!

The door you come in to get into the wedding/reception area

Just some pictures of the will be set up differently at our wedding though because we are having the wedding and reception in there

A room that you can do the cake cutting in, but I think this is
where the guestbook and presents will go.

There was a wedding taking place that night, so it was already set up.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Roof Garden

We looked at three different places yesterday..the first place was Queen of the Gulf, the second was Ashton Villa, and the third was this place, Roof Garden. I really liked Ashton Villa when we went, but I had been having this weird feeling about Roof Garden that made me still want to go check it out. When we got there, I knew right off it's where I wanted to get married. Roger loved it and so did my parents. It is gorgeous, and just the right size. I took pictures with my mom's camera yesterday, so I won't be able to post the pictures that I took until she posts them. I will explain what it looks like with these pictures I got off their website. :) Our date was going to be June 25, but it was already booked here, so we decided to do it on Friday June 24, 2011. I'm so excited and can't wait to marry Roger here!

Okay..not all of these doors are Roof Garden, I think it's the ones on the right side of the picture. You go in and go up some stairs, and are on the second floor which is where everything will take place. It's also not really on the roof. It's all inside. The upstairs outside part you can see in the picture is where people will go while the reception is being set up, and we are all taking pictures.
When we were there yesterday, this is where the cakes were. I'm not sure if I will do this, but I might. People can look in through windows and crowd around, but I might just let this be a room to sign in because I want everyone to be able to see us cut the cake.

This is the roof part where everyone can go get a drink from the bar, and just talk. It's way bigger than this picture lets on. I will post the one I took soon!

The place is way bigger than this picture lets on too. We will get married in front of those windows!

My Wonderful Family!

Me and mom in the first place we looked at in Galveston (i look gross bc we had been outside and it was about 100 something degrees)
Bill relaxing in the chair!
Roger looking like a king lol
I thought this was cute!
Precious! I love these kind of pictures!
Mom sticking her feet in the water :)
LOL! Love it
So cute!!

Engagement Pictures

Roger and I took our engagement pictures yesterday at the Blue Lagoon in Huntsville! We both had so much fun. My mom, stepdad, sister, and her boyfriend came down to see us take them. My photographer was Andrew Stewart, and he did a great job! He is so nice! Here are a few pictures my mom took of us while Andrew was taking them. We weren't ready in all of them, but I still wanted to post them!

These were fun! We got to get in the water and take a lot of pictures. The water there is so beautiful!

I like this one! The one that the photographer took is just a close up of us.

Humidity and wind do not get along with my hair!